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Friday, February 1, 2013

Ikea monkey's future is being debated in court

The Ikea monkey saga makes the point that wild animals do not easily domesticate.  It is nearly impossible to overcome thousands of years of instinct by treating these animals like human children.   

It is a mistake to expect any monkey to become your  "son" as Ms. Nakhuda describes Darwin, the Ikea monkey.

Even Jane Goodall rarely touched her chimpanzees unless invited.  They remained in the wild in their natural habitat and Goodall changed her behaviors to those of another chimpanzee.  She never tried to humanize her chimpanzee study subjects, even after 50 years, she respects boundaries between her and them.

Jane Goodall observed without intervening in the behaviors of the Chimps of Gombe.  Her entire objective was to observe the chimps without intruding.  She spent many yeaqrs gaining their trust and becoming "invisible" to them in their daily activities.   Later she took on the responsibility of educating the world about chimpanzees in the wild.  She maintains her studies without intervention or trying to influence or change chimp behavior.

Ms. Nakhuda and Darwin have my full sympathy because they obviously have a bond.  It is a tragic thing to separate them now.  People must think twice before putting themselves in such emotionally charged situations where ther will be no winners whatever the outcome of the litigation.   



Nakhuda wrote to the trainer, Lisa Whiteaker, for help controlling Darwin’s unruly behaviour.

She described Darwin attacking and biting her when she tried to change his diaper, and biting her youngest son most viciously.

“At one point I was too scared and kept him in the same diaper for almost 36 hours,” she wrote. 

In other emails, she describes brandishing a wooden spoon and learning how to smack Darwin on the nose to discipline him.

Whiteaker wrote back saying Nakhuda had a lot to learn about primates........
Nakhuda acknowledged she had made mistakes.... “You are right to say that I am sitting on a time bomb,” she wrote.
Nakhuda’s lawyer, Ted Charney, read witness statements from co-workers that said she brought Darwin to work nearly every day and he was inseparable from her. 

An animal control officer testified Darwin was “very excited” to see her after being seized.
Nakhuda is suing the Story Book Farm primate sanctuary in Sunderland, Ont., where Darwin was taken the day after he was seized by Toronto Animal Services in an Ikea parking lot. 

Nakhuda claims she was tricked into signing papers at the sanctuary that are being treated as authority to keep her pet at the sanctuary.
However, the lawyer for the sanctuary, Kevin Toyne, argued that as a real estate lawyer, Nakhuda must understand what the word “surrender” means. 

Nakhuda, who calls Darwin her “son,” has said she fears the bond between them is dwindling. 


Ikea monkey attacked owner during diaper changes, court told | Toronto Star

  By: Laura Kane News reporter, Published on Fri Feb 01 2013

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