Dog Companions

Monkeys are cute but are not domesticated animals
Dogs are domesticated and cute and our best friends.
Choose a dog every time over exotic pets and you will be happier.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Primate Diaries on Twitter

Monogamy in primates is more the exception than the rule. Owl monkeys are that exception Study

  1. Review of the new chimp empathy study by : Chimps Display Empathy By Catching Humans’ Yawns:

  2. New study: Chimpanzees empathize with group mates and humans, but not with baboons or unfamiliar chimpanzees:
  3. Antiretroviral gel protects monkeys from H.I.V. after sex: Study: via
  4. Chimpocentrism and reconstructions of human evolution (a timely reminder):
  5. I am very interested in this project. It ties into ideas I had during my bonobo work. Write me at primatediaries[at]gmail[dt]com.
  6. Why do orangutans spend more time on the ground than previously thought? Probably us: Study:
  7. Brain regions controlling language and complex thought are similar in humans/monkeys: Study:
  8. This account was hacked. I apologize if you received a spam DM.
  9. A fascinating paper by on altruism, sexual selection and the causes of male reproductive cooperation:

The Primate Diaries


Notes on science, politics, and history from a primate in the human zoo. Written by with artwork by .

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