Dog Companions

Monkeys are cute but are not domesticated animals
Dogs are domesticated and cute and our best friends.
Choose a dog every time over exotic pets and you will be happier.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Dog attack prevention

CDC recommendations for dog attack prevention
  • Realistically evaluate environment and lifestyle and consult with a professional (e.g., veterinarian, animal behaviorist, or responsible breeder) to determine suitable breeds of dogs for consideration.
  • Dogs with histories of aggression are inappropriate in households with children.
  • Be sensitive to cues that a child is fearful or apprehensive about a dog and, if so, delay acquiring a dog.
  • Spend time with a dog before buying or adopting it. Use caution when bringing a dog or puppy into the home of an infant or toddler.
  • Spay/neuter virtually all dogs (this frequently reduces aggressive tendencies).
  • Never leave infants or young children alone with any dog.
  • Properly socialize and train any dog entering the household. Teach the dog submissive behaviors (e.g., rolling over to expose abdomen and relinquishing food without growling).
  • Immediately seek professional advice (e.g., from veterinarians, animal behaviorists, or responsible breeders) if the dog develops aggressive or undesirable behaviors.
  • Do not play aggressive games with your dog (e.g., wrestling).
  • Teach children basic safety around dogs and review regularly:
    • Never approach an unfamiliar dog.
    • Never run from a dog and scream.
    • Remain motionless when approached by an unfamiliar dog (e.g., "be still like a tree").
    • If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and lie still (e.g., "be still like a log").
    • Never play with a dog unless supervised by an adult.
    • Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult.
    • Avoid direct eye contact with a dog.
    • Do not disturb a dog who is sleeping, eating, or caring for puppies.
    • Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first.
    • If bitten, immediately report the bite to an adult.

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