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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gibbons ecret Language

A gibbon in Thailand
A gibbon in Thailand  Photo: Durham University

Secret language of gibbons translated by scientists

For the first time, scientists at Durham University have translated the calls of gibbons

 08 Apr 2015

Gibbons have a secret ‘language’ which contains ‘words’ for animals such as leopards and eagles, scientists have found, in a discovery that sheds light on the evolution of human speech.

Apes in Thailand make 450 distinctive ‘hoo’ calls in response to particular events or the presence of predators.

For the first time, scientists at Durham University have translated those calls so they can tell what the creatures are, literally, gibbering on about.

Lar gibbons are renowned for their loud songs, but they can also produce a number of softer calls, which are known as ‘hoos.’ They are, essentially, ape whispers.

A gibbon swings in the forests of Thailand. Credit: Esther Clarke

Although scientists have known about these soft calls since the 1940s, they are so quiet that it has been hard for the human ear to distinguish between the sounds or even record them so they could be analysed.

However increasingly sensitive recording equipment has allowed researchers to monitor the whispers for the first time, and has opened up an astonishing insight into the sophisticated communication of the gibbons.

The apes make specific sounds when foraging or encountering neighbours and can even distinguish between different predators, making warning noises when a particular animal comes too close. They have even managed to keep their calls beneath the hearing ranges of their predators so that they can communicate the danger without being heard.

Lead author Dr Esther Clarke, of Durham University, said: “These animals are extraordinarily vocal creatures and give us the rare opportunity to study the evolution of complex vocal communication in a non-human primate.

“In the future, gibbon vocalisations may reveal much about the processes that shape vocal communication, and because they are an ape species, they may be one of our best hopes at tracing the evolution of human communication.”

The scientists spent almost four months following lar gibbon groups around the forests of North-eastern Thailand, staying with the primates from early in the morning until they had located their evening sleeping tree.

Gibbons make different noises when they see predators. Credit: Esther Clarke

At the same time researchers recorded their ‘hoos’ and noted the event that elicited the response. From the recordings they extracted over 450 different ‘hoo’ sounds and used computer analysis to find links between audio patterns and the context in which they were recorded.

The team found that there were different calls or ‘words’ for a range of predators, including leopards, tigers, pythons and eagles. The whispers even distinguished between different types of birds even when they were physically quite similar, such as eagle owls and serpent eagles.

The bird calls were also the quietest, below the 1 khz threshold, and which raptors would struggle to hear.

Tiger and leopard hoos were similar, suggesting that callers perceived these two predators as belonging to the same ‘big cat’ class.

The scientists believe that the acoustic variation heard in gibbon ‘hoos’ may be similar to human speech, in which pitch can be important carriers of meaning.

The findings were published in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

A leopard model installed by researchers at Durham University. Credit: Esther Clarke

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